Resource manifest

The resource manifest is a file named fxmanifest.lua (or previously, __resource.lua), placed in a resource folder on the server.

It is a Lua file, ran in a separate runtime from any Lua scripts in the resource, set up with a semi-declarative syntax to be used for defining metadata.


An example resource manifest for a hypothetical resource looks as follows:

-- Resource Metadata
fx_version 'cerulean'
games { 'rdr3', 'gta5' }

author 'John Doe <>'
description 'Example resource'
version '1.0.0'

-- What to run
client_scripts {
server_script 'server.lua'

-- Extra data can be used as well
my_data 'one' { two = 42 }
my_data 'three' { four = 69 }

-- due to Lua syntax, the following works too:
my_data('nine')({ninety = "nein"})

-- metadata keys can be arbitrary
pizza_topping 'pineapple'

Internally, this creates the following metadata entries:

  • fx_version: cerulean
  • game: gta5
  • game: rdr3
  • author: John Doe <>
  • description: Example resource
  • version: 1.0.0
  • client_script: client.lua
  • client_script: client_two.lua (note the s table being expanded)
  • server_script: server.lua
  • my_data: one
  • my_data: three
  • my_data: nine
  • my_data_extra: {"two":42} (as JSON)
  • my_data_extra: {"four":69}
  • my_data_extra: {"ninety":"nein"}
  • pizza_topping: pineapple

You can also obtain this metadata from scripts using GetNumResourceMetadata and GetResourceMetadata.


Some entry types may support 'globbing' for multiple files. These take a pattern syntax as follows:

*.luaa.lua, b.lua (non-recursively)
dir/*.dlldir/a.dll, b.dll (non-recursively)
**/*.luadir1/a.lua, dir2/b.lua, dir1/dir2/f.lua
**.luasame as above
**/cl_*.luadir1/cl_hi.lua, etc.

Support for globbing is specified under each entry type.

Resource manifest entries

A list of built-in resource manifest entries follows. A resource can also contain custom metadata entries, which can be useful for script.


Defines the supported functionality for the resource. This has to be one of a specific set of words. Each entry inherits properties from the previous one. The current FXv2 resource version is cerulean.


Defines the supported game API sets for the resource.

commonRuns on any game, but can't access game-specific APIs - only CitizenFX APIs.
gta4Runs on LibertyM.
gta5Runs on FiveM.
rdr3Runs on RedM.


Defines the supported functionality for the resource. This has to be one of a specific set of GUIDs. Each GUID inherits properties from the previous one. The current resource manifest version is 44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937.


Defines a script to be loaded on the client, and implicitly adds the file to the resource packfile. The extension determines which script loader will handle the file:

ExtensionFile handlerMeaning
.luacitizen:scripting:luaLua source code
.net.dllcitizen:scripting:mono.NET assembly referencing CitizenFX.Core.Client
.jscitizen:scripting:v8JavaScript source code (client only)


Defines a script to be loaded on the server. The extension determines which script loader will handle the file, as with client_script.


Defines a script to be loaded on both sides, and adds the file to the resource packfile. The extension determines which script loader will handle the file, as with client_script.


Defines a global function to be exported by a client script for Lua/JS. In Lua, this will export _G[exportName] as exportName.

Instead of using this, try using the exports('name', ..) or Exports.Add functions.

Defining an export

exports {

local lastWidget

function setWidget(widget)
    lastWidget = widget

function getWidget()
    return lastWidget

Consuming an export


int widget = Exports["myresource"].getWidget();


Defines a global function to be exported by a server script.


Sets the resource's NUI page to the defined file or URL. If specifying a a file, the file (along with its dependencies) has to be referenced using files.

ui_page 'html/index.html'
file 'html/index.html'

-- this also supports absolute URLs
ui_page ''


Loads the specified level meta in the resource before the primary level meta.


Loads the specified level meta in the resource after the primary level meta.


Replaces the level meta (usually common:/data/levels/gta5/gta5.meta) with the specified file in the resource. This has to be referenced using files.

replace_level_meta 'mymap'
files {


Adds a data file of a specified type to the game extra content system.

files {

data_file 'AUDIO_WAVEPACK' 'audio/mywaves'
data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'myvehicles.meta'
data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'metas/*_handling.meta'


Marks this resource as being a GTA map, and reloads the map storage when the resource gets loaded.

this_is_a_map 'yes' -- can be any value


Marks the resource as being server-only. This stops clients from downloading anything of this resource.

server_only 'yes' -- can be any value


Sets the HTML file specified as the game loading screen.

loadscreen 'html/loadscreen.html'
file 'html/loadscreen.html'


Replacement for unsupported SET_MANUAL_SHUTDOWN_LOADING_SCREEN_NUI native.

loadscreen_manual_shutdown 'yes'


Adds the specified file to the resource packfile, to be downloaded by clients upon loading the resource.

file ''


Requires the specified resource to load before the current resource.

dependency 'myresource-base'

dependencies {

Runtime constraints

The dependency field can also be used to specify requirements for the resource to run, such as a minimum server version, a server policy value, or a game build. These are specified using the following syntax:

dependencies {
    '/server:4500',                -- requires at least server build 4500
    '/policy:subdir_file_mapping', -- requires the server key to have 'subdir_file_mapping' granted
    '/onesync',                    -- requires state awareness to be enabled
    '/gameBuild:h4',               -- requires at least game build 2189
    '/native:0xE27C97A0',          -- requires native 0xE27C97A0 to be supported

The valid constraint types are as follows:

serverA minimum server version (build >= [arg])Any number.
policyA specific policy being granted.subdir_file_mapping ('clothing support'), others
onesyncState awareness not being disabled.No value.
gameBuildGame build being set to at least this build.The same values as sv_enforceGameBuild.
nativeThe specified native being supported on the server.Any server-side native hash.


Enables Lua 5.4. You can read more about Lua 5.4 at

lua54 'yes'


Marks the current resource as a replacement for the specified resource. This means it'll start instead of the specified resource, if another resource requires it, and will act as if it is said resource if started.

provide 'mysql-async'


This will enable the usage of OAL (One Argument List) for Lua. This aims to correct return-types of natives and provide better performance via faster native calls.

use_experimental_fxv2_oal "yes"

Vector unpacking

Vector unpacking does not work when using OAL, this means that you will have to manually unpack coordinates instead of providing the vector3.

local coords = vector3(1, 2, 3)

SetEntityCoords(ped, coords) -- would normally work, but NOT with OAL
SetEntityCoords(ped, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) -- works both with OAL, and without


OALs main downside is that it cannot be used if the parameter type is wrong, as internally it will be converted to whatever the underlying type is.

This means that for natives that are undocumented or don't have the right types OAL will break in unexpected ways, or likely just not working at all.


When present, disables the custom C# task scheduler on the server. This will increase compatibility with third-party libraries using the .NET TPL, but make it more likely you'll have to await Delay(0); to end up back on the main thread.

This is already enabled by default if using fx_version of bodacious or higher.

clr_disable_task_scheduler 'yes'


When present adds the specified convars to the 'Project Settings' page in FxDK.

Convar types:

CV_STRING: Normal text input. title, convar_name, "CV_STRING", default

CV_BOOL: True / False input in the form of a checkbox. title, convar_name, "CV_BOOL", default[, "label"]

CV_INT: Manual number input with optional minimum and maximum. title, convar_name, "CV_INT", default[, min, max]

CV_SLIDER: Slider number input. title, convar_name, "CV_SLIDER", default, min, max

CV_COMBI: Number input with slider and manual input. title, convar_name, "CV_COMBI", default, min, max

CV_PASSWORD: Masked text input. title, convar_name, "CV_SLIDER", default

CV_MULTI: A drop-down selection menu, the first entry in Items is the default value. title, convar_name, "CV_MULTI", items[{name, value}]

If your convars are replacted (setr) you will need to prepend $ to the convar name: { "foo", "$my_convar", "CV_STRING", "bar" }

If your convars are server info (sets) you will need to prepend # to the convar name: { "Discord", "#my_convar", "CV_STRING", "" }


convar_category 'MySQL' {
    "GHMattiMySQL Configuration Options",
        { "Connection String", "mysql_connection_string", "CV_STRING", "" },
        { "Debug Mode", "mysql_debug", "CV_MULTI", {
            { "None", "None" },
            { "Console", "Console" },
            { "File", "File"},
            { "FileAndConsole", "FileAndConsole" }
        { "Slow Query Warning", "mysql_slow_query_warning", "CV_COMBI", 100, 0, 5000 },
        { "Log Level", "mysql_log_level", "CV_INT", 15, 1, 15 },
        { "Log File Format", "mysql_log_file_format", "CV_STRING", "%s-%d.log" },

FXv2 versions

The resource manifest has to specify a particular FXv2 version for the resource to adhere to. A list of version names and features they are associated with is shown on this page.

Each manifest version includes all features from manifest versions above, except where they would overrule one another, in which case the latest version is used.

FX version cerulean (2020-05)

  • Loads NUI resources in a 'secure context' to support WASM and fetch APIs, but requires callbacks to be changed to https:// instead of http://.

FX version bodacious (2020-02)

  • Implies clr_disable_task_scheduler being specified for server library compatibility.
  • Does not define window in JS contexts for library compatibility.

FX version adamant (2019-12)

  • Equivalent to 44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937 in FXv1.
  • Requires a game to be specified, and is mandatory for RedM.

Manifest versions

The resource manifest has to specify a particular version for the resource to adhere to. A list of version GUIDs and features they are associated with is shown on this page.

Each manifest version includes all features from manifest versions above, except where they would overrule one another, in which case the latest version is used.

No manifest version

By default, no manifest version is used, which is equivalent to manifest GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000. This (along with the empty GUID) will be removed in future releases of FXServer, and resources will be required to specify a manifest version.

Manifest version 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 (no date)

  • The natives.lua file natives_21e43a33.lua will be used for client-side Lua.

Manifest version 77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5 (2016-12)

  • No changes. This is the minimum operating level for FXServer.

Manifest version f15e72ec-3972-4fe4-9c7d-afc5394ae207 (2017-04-08)

  • The natives.lua file natives_0193d0af.lua will be used for client-side Lua. This represents the state of NativeDB in early April of 2017.

Manifest version 44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937 (2017-06-07)

  • The natives.lua file natives_universal.lua will be used for client-side Lua. This is a universal natives.lua file, which should be able to be switched to without having to change your scripts. It also represents a more recent (2017-06-05) snapshot of NativeDB.

Manifest version 05cfa83c-a124-4cfa-a768-c24a5811d8f9 (2017-06-04)

  • Scripts will now be registered as a game network script. This is required for networking entities.
  • CREATE_VEHICLE and similar functions behave differently when passing true, true as network object flags.