Input mapper/parameter IDs

Descriptions are guessed from known names. Axis inputs have no use in FiveM currently.

Input MapperDescription
DIGITALBUTTON_AXISController button input as axis input
GAME_CONTROLLEDGame controlled input
JOYSTICK_AXISJoystick / flight stick axis input
JOYSTICK_AXIS_NEGATIVEJoystick / flight stick axis input (always negative)
JOYSTICK_AXIS_POSITIVEJoystick / flight stick axis input (always positive)
JOYSTICK_BUTTONJoystick / flight stick button input
JOYSTICK_IAXISJoystick / flight stick axis input (inverted)
JOYSTICK_POVJoystick / flight stick point of view input
JOYSTICK_POV_AXISJoystick / flight stick point of view axis input
KEYBOARDKeyboard input (including the Xbox Controller Chatpad)
MKB_AXISMouse & keyboard input as axis input
MOUSE_ABSOLUTEAXISMouse axis input (absolute)
MOUSE_BUTTONMouse button input
MOUSE_BUTTONANYMouse button input (no known difference from MOUSE_BUTTON)
MOUSE_CENTEREDAXISMouse axis input (centered)
MOUSE_RELATIVEAXISMouse axis input (relative)
MOUSE_SCALEDAXISMouse axis input (scaled)
MOUSE_NORMALIZEDMouse axis input (normalized)
MOUSE_WHEELMouse wheel input
PAD_ANALOGBUTTONController trigger input
PAD_AXISController axis input
PAD_DEBUGBUTTONController button input (debug interface, non functional)
PAD_DIGITALBUTTONController button input
PAD_DIGITALBUTTONANYController button input (no known difference from PAD_DIGITALBUTTON)
TOUCHPAD_ABSOLUTE_AXISPS4/5 controller touchpad axis input (absolute)
TOUCHPAD_CENTERED_AXISPS4/5 controller touchpad axis input (centered)