Crosshair commands

About the crosshair

The crosshair mimics the one seen in CS:GO, hence any existing CS:GO crosshair configs will work in FiveM.

Example of a preset crosshair line:

cl_customcrosshair 1;cl_crosshairstyle 5;cl_crosshairsize 3.5;cl_crosshair_drawoutline 1;cl_crosshairthickness 1;cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 0.4;cl_crosshairdot 0;cl_crosshairgap -1

Existing documentation for CS:GO:

Console Variables:

cl_customCrosshair <bool>

Toggle the custom crosshair.

Usage: cl_customCrosshair <true|false>

cl_crosshairdot <bool>

Controls whether the center dot is visible.

Usage: cl_crosshairdot <true|false>

cl_crosshairsize <float>

Controls the length of the crosshair's lines.

Usage: cl_crosshairsize 5.0

cl_crosshairstyle <int>

Controls the style of the crosshair.

Usage: cl_crosshairstyle 0

cl_crosshairthickness <float>

Controls the thickness of the crosshair's center dot and lines.

Usage: cl_crosshairthickness 0.5

cl_crosshairgap <float>

Controls the gap between the crosshair's center dot and the lines.

Usage: cl_crosshairgap 1.0

cl_crosshair_drawoutline <bool>

Controls whether the crosshair should have outline or not. Used in conjunction with cl_crosshair_outlinethickness.

Usage: cl_crosshair_drawoutline <true|false>

cl_crosshair_outlinethickness <float>

Controls the thickness of the crosshair outline.

Usage: cl_crosshair_outlinethickness 1.0

cl_crosshaircolor <int>

Ranges from 0 to 5, set this to 5 if you wish to use custom crosshair colors (those applied via cl_crosshaircolor_r, cl_crosshaircolor_g, cl_crosshaircolor_b)

Available color presets:

  1. Red
  2. Green
  3. Yellow
  4. Purple-Blueish
  5. Cyan/Turquoise
  6. Custom (those applied by cl_crosshaircolor_r, cl_crosshaircolor_g, cl_crosshaircolor_b)

Usage: cl_crosshaircolor 1

cl_crosshaircolor_r <int>

Controls the red component in the crosshair's RGB color value.

Usage: cl_crosshaircolor_r 50

cl_crosshaircolor_g <int>

Controls the green component in the crosshair's RGB color value.

Usage: cl_crosshaircolor_g 250

cl_crosshaircolor_b <int>

Controls the blue component in the crosshair's RGB color value.

Usage: cl_crosshaircolor_b 50

cl_crosshairusealpha <bool>

Controls whether the crosshair should have transparency or not. Used in conjunction with cl_crosshairalpha.

Setting this command to false will set the crosshair's alpha to 200, making it almost opaque. Set to true if you want to use custom transparency values via cl_crosshairalpha.

Usage: cl_crosshairusealpha <true|false>

cl_crosshairalpha <int>

Controls the crosshair's transparency. Valid values go from 0 to 255.

Usage: cl_crosshairalpha 200

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist <float>

Unused, controls how far the crosshair's center spreads when moving or shooting.

Usage: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitdist 7.0

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod <float>

Unused, controls the transparency of the inner part of the crosshair's lines when moving or shooting

Usage: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_innermod 1.0

cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod <float>

Unused, controls the transparency of the outer part of the crosshair's lines when moving or shooting.

Usage: cl_crosshair_dynamic_splitalpha_outermod 0.5

cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio <float>

Unused, controls how long the inner and outer part of the crosshair's lines are when moving or shooting.

Usage: cl_crosshair_dynamic_maxdist_splitratio 0.35

Disabling the crosshair

The crosshair can be disabled from the server by entering the following line in your server.cfg file:

setr cl_customCrosshair false

Entering said line will set the convar (console variable) as a replicated variable set to false.