FXCode, an adaptation of Code - OSS
, is FxDK's main personality responsible for providing rich code editing functionality along with our addons listed below.
Instead of running FiveM separately, in FxDK it runs in the background and Game view
FXCode widget provides access to it, allowing reorganizing workspace to your needs.
Provides access to both game console (the one you'd open with F8 hotkey) and server console.
Combines game and server resource monitors in one place, providing quick access to vital information about system resources consumption.
We extend JS/TS language support by automatically loading code completions of these scripting runtimes, although it is not very smart and fine-grained yet, like so that it won't limit native suggestions based on whether the current script is server-sided or client-sided.
This is expected to behave as it'd in normal Microsoft's VSCode, we automatically install the needed extension.
This relies on Sumneko's Lua Language Server extension that provides similar to JS/TS coding experience. However, there's currently no automatic loading of needed type definitions, this is still a work in progress.