// N_0xf83d0febe75e62c9
void 0xF83D0FEBE75E62C9(Blip blip, Any p1, Any p2, float width, Any p4, float length, float heading, Any p7);
Parameters:- blip:
A blip from an entity. The entity can not be a ped. The width and length will not change if it is a ped.
- p1:
-1.0 in decompiled scripts (unk)
- p2:
1.0 in decompiled scripts (unk)
- width:
Width of the cone (0.0 to ~3.0)
- p4:
1.0 in decompiled scripts (unk)
- length:
Length of the cone. (8.2 is 'normal' sized)
- heading:
This heading is in radians, this can be calculated with (heading + 180.00) * (pi/180)
- p7:
1 in decompiled scripts (unk)
NativeDB Added Parameter 9: int hudColour
NativeDB Introduced: v1290
Sets the 'data' for a cone for a blip
See here for the hud colours for the cone
Name in scripts: SETUP_FAKE_CONE_DATA()
For people who don't know how to convert degrees to radians and the other way around:
degrees = radians * 180 / pi
radians = degrees * pi / 180