// SetPedHeadBlendData
void SET_PED_HEAD_BLEND_DATA(Ped ped, int shapeFirstID, int shapeSecondID, int shapeThirdID, int skinFirstID, int skinSecondID, int skinThirdID, float shapeMix, float skinMix, float thirdMix, BOOL isParent);
Parameters:- ped:
The ped entity
- shapeFirstID:
Controls the shape of the first ped's face
- shapeSecondID:
Controls the shape of the second ped's face
- shapeThirdID:
Controls the shape of the third ped's face
- skinFirstID:
Controls the first id's skin tone
- skinSecondID:
Controls the second id's skin tone
- skinThirdID:
Controls the third id's skin tone
- shapeMix:
0.0 - 1.0 Of whose characteristics to take Mother -> Father (shapeFirstID and shapeSecondID)
- skinMix:
0.0 - 1.0 Of whose characteristics to take Mother -> Father (skinFirstID and skinSecondID)
- thirdMix:
Overrides the others in favor of the third IDs.
- isParent:
IsParent is set for "children" of the player character's grandparents during old-gen character creation. It has unknown effect otherwise.
For more info please refer to this topic.
Other information:
IDs start at zero and go Male Non-DLC, Female Non-DLC, Male DLC, and Female DLC.</br>
This native function is often called prior to calling natives such as:
This is the server-side RPC native equivalent of the client native SET_PED_HEAD_BLEND_DATA.