// SetPedPropIndex
void SET_PED_PROP_INDEX(Ped ped, int componentId, int drawableId, int textureId, BOOL attach);
This native is used to set prop variation on a ped. Components, drawables and textures IDs are related to the ped model.
MP Freemode list of props
0: Hats
1: Glasses
2: Ears
6: Watches
7: Bracelets
List of Prop IDs
enum eAnchorPoints
ANCHOR_HEAD = 0, // "p_head"
ANCHOR_EYES = 1, // "p_eyes"
ANCHOR_EARS = 2, // "p_ears"
ANCHOR_MOUTH = 3, // "p_mouth"
ANCHOR_LEFT_HAND = 4, // "p_lhand"
ANCHOR_RIGHT_HAND = 5, // "p_rhand"
ANCHOR_LEFT_WRIST = 6, // "p_lwrist"
ANCHOR_RIGHT_WRIST = 7, // "p_rwrist"
ANCHOR_HIP = 8, // "p_lhip"
ANCHOR_LEFT_FOOT = 9, // "p_lfoot"
ANCHOR_RIGHT_FOOT = 10, // "p_rfoot"
ANCHOR_PH_L_HAND = 11, // "ph_lhand"
ANCHOR_PH_R_HAND = 12, // "ph_rhand"