// CreateCheckpoint
int CREATE_CHECKPOINT(int type, float posX1, float posY1, float posZ1, float posX2, float posY2, float posZ2, float diameter, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, int reserved);
Creates a checkpoint. Returns the handle of the checkpoint.
20/03/17 : Attention, checkpoints are already handled by the game itself, so you must not loop it like markers.
* type - The type of checkpoint to create. See below for a list of checkpoint types.
* pos1 - The position of the checkpoint.
* pos2 - The position of the next checkpoint to point to.
* diameter - The diameter of the checkpoint.
* color - The color of the checkpoint.
* reserved - Special parameter, see below for details. Usually set to 0 in the scripts.
Checkpoint types (prior to game build 2189):
0-4---------Cylinder: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
5-9---------Cylinder: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
10-14-------Ring: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
15-19-------1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
20-24-------Cylinder: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
25-29-------Cylinder: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
30-34-------Cylinder: 1 arrow, 2 arrow, 3 arrows, CycleArrow, Checker
35-38-------Ring: Airplane Up, Left, Right, UpsideDown
40----------Ring: just a ring
42-44-------Cylinder w/ number (uses 'reserved' parameter)
45-47-------Cylinder no arrow or number
If using type 42-44, reserved sets number / number and shape to display
0-99------------Just numbers (0-99)
100-109-----------------Arrow (0-9)
110-119------------Two arrows (0-9)
120-129----------Three arrows (0-9)
130-139----------------Circle (0-9)
140-149------------CycleArrow (0-9)
150-159----------------Circle (0-9)
160-169----Circle w/ pointer (0-9)
170-179-------Perforated ring (0-9)
180-189----------------Sphere (0-9)
Checkpoint Types as of game build 2189