// TaskVehicleDriveToCoord
void TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD(Ped ped, Vehicle vehicle, float x, float y, float z, float speed, Any p6, Hash vehicleModel, int drivingMode, float stopRange, float p10);
info about driving modes: HTTP://gtaforums.com/topic/822314-guide-driving-styles/
Passing P6 value as floating value didn't throw any errors, though unsure what is it exactly, looks like radius or something.
P10 though, it is mentioned as float, however, I used bool and set it to true, that too worked.
Here the e.g. code I used
Function.Call(Hash.TASK_VEHICLE_DRIVE_TO_COORD, Ped, Vehicle, Cor X, Cor Y, Cor Z, 30f, 1f, Vehicle.GetHashCode(), 16777216, 1f, true);