// TaskStealthKill
void TASK_STEALTH_KILL(Ped killer, Ped target, Hash actionType, float p3, Any p4);
Stealth kill action name hashes:
stealth kills can be found here: Grand Theft Auto V\common.rpf\data\action\stealth_kills.meta
Only known script using this native: fbi4_prep2
ai::task_stealth_kill(iParam1, Local_252, gameplay::get_hash_key("AR_stealth_kill_a"), 1f, 0);ai::task_stealth_kill(iParam1, Local_252, gameplay::get_hash_key("AR_stealth_kill_knife"), 1f, 0);
Also it may be important to note, that each time this task is called, it's followed by AI::CLEAR_PED_TASKS on the target