// DrawSprite
void DRAW_SPRITE(char* textureDict, char* textureName, float screenX, float screenY, float width, float height, float heading, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha);
Draws a 2D sprite on the screen.
textureDict - Name of texture dictionary to load texture from (e.g. "CommonMenu", "MPWeaponsCommon", etc.)
textureName - Name of texture to load from texture dictionary (e.g. "last_team_standing_icon", "tennis_icon", etc.)
screenX/Y - Screen offset (0.5 = center)
scaleX/Y - Texture scaling. Negative values can be used to flip the texture on that axis. (0.5 = half)
heading - Texture rotation in degrees (default = 0.0) positive is clockwise, measured in degrees
red,green,blue - Sprite color (default = 255/255/255)
alpha - opacity level
NativeDB Added Parameter 12: BOOL p11