local casino = vector3(881.31, 74.71, 94.43)
-- Create the camera that will be used for RenderScriptCams
local cam = CreateCam("DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA", true)
-- Set the camera coordinates to be in front of the Casino
SetCamCoord(cam, casino.x, casino.y, casino.z)
-- Rotate the camera towards the casino
SetCamRot(cam, -25.0, 0.0, -124.22)
-- Render the camera and so a smooth transition for 2000ms
RenderScriptCams(true, true, 2000, false, true)
-- tell the game to load maps, collisions, objects, etc around the casino.
SetFocusPosAndVel(casino.x, casino.y, casino.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
-- We wait 5 seconds + 2 extra for the transition
-- Remove the cam, we no longer need it
-- reset streaming focus to be at the local player ped
-- Stop rendering the script camera and interpolate back to their player ped
RenderScriptCams(false, true, 2000, false, false)