// ForcePedMotionState
BOOL FORCE_PED_MOTION_STATE(Ped ped, Hash motionStateHash, BOOL shouldReset, int updateState, BOOL forceAIPreCameraUpdate);
Parameters:- ped:
The ped handle.
- motionStateHash:
The motion state hash.
- shouldReset:
If the motion state should be set even if the ped is already in the specified motion state.
- updateState:
Integer but treated as a boolean (only allows 1 or 0). Sets ped reset flags CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePreCameraAiAnimUpdateIfFirstPerson
and CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAnimUpdate
- forceAIPreCameraUpdate:
If updateState
is 1, will set either CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePreCameraAIUpdate
(if true) or CPED_RESET_FLAG_ForcePostCameraAIUpdate
(if false) ped reset flags.
Returns: Whether or not the motion state was forced on the ped successfully.
enum ePedMotionState
MOTIONSTATE_NONE = -294553821, // MotionState_None
MOTIONSTATE_IDLE = -1871534317, // MotionState_Idle
MOTIONSTATE_WALK = -668482597, // MotionState_Walk
MOTIONSTATE_RUN = -530524, // MotionState_Run
MOTIONSTATE_SPRINT = -1115154469, // MotionState_Sprint
MOTIONSTATE_CROUCH_IDLE = 1140525470, // MotionState_Crouch_Idle
MOTIONSTATE_CROUCH_WALK = 147004056, // MotionState_Crouch_Walk
MOTIONSTATE_CROUCH_RUN = 898879241, // MotionState_Crouch_Run
MOTIONSTATE_DONOTHING = 247561816, // MotionState_DoNothing
MOTIONSTATE_ANIMATEDVELOCITY = 1427811395, // MotionState_AnimatedVelocity
MOTIONSTATE_INVEHICLE = -1797663347, // MotionState_InVehicle
MOTIONSTATE_AIMING = 1063765679, // MotionState_Aiming
MOTIONSTATE_DIVING_IDLE = 1212730861, // MotionState_Diving_Idle
MOTIONSTATE_DIVING_SWIM = -1855028596, // MotionState_Diving_Swim
MOTIONSTATE_SWIMMING_TREADWATER = -776007225, // MotionState_Swimming_TreadWater
MOTIONSTATE_DEAD = 230360860, // MotionState_Dead
MOTIONSTATE_STEALTH_IDLE = 1110276645, // MotionState_Stealth_Idle
MOTIONSTATE_STEALTH_WALK = 69908130, // MotionState_Stealth_Walk
MOTIONSTATE_STEALTH_RUN = -83133983, // MotionState_Stealth_Run
MOTIONSTATE_PARACHUTING = -1161760501, // MotionState_Parachuting
MOTIONSTATE_ACTIONMODE_IDLE = -633298724, // MotionState_ActionMode_Idle
MOTIONSTATE_ACTIONMODE_WALK = -762290521, // MotionState_ActionMode_Walk
MOTIONSTATE_ACTIONMODE_RUN = 834330132, // MotionState_ActionMode_Run
MOTIONSTATE_JETPACK = 1398696542 // MotionState_Jetpack