local iVar16 = GetPedPropIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) -- helmet prop index
local iVar17 = GetPedPropTextureIndex(PlayerPedId(), 0) -- helmet prop index
local iVar18 = GetHashNameForProp(PlayerPedId(), 0, iVar16, iVar17) -- gets the hash name for the helmet
if N_0xd40aac51e8e4c663(iVar18) > 0 then -- visor variant so can toggle the visor
BeginTextCommandDisplayHelp("VISOR_TOGGLE") -- Hold ~INPUT_SWITCH_VISOR~ to flip your helmet visor open or closed when on foot or on a motorcycle. You can also set the default state of your Helmet Visor in the Style section of the Interaction menu.
EndTextCommandDisplayHelp(0, 0, true, 6000)