Returns: A vector where the Z coordinate is the yaw.
rotationOrder refers to the order yaw pitch roll is applied; value ranges from 0 to 5 and is usually *2* in scripts.
What you use for rotationOrder when getting must be the same as rotationOrder when setting the rotation.
What it returns is the yaw on the z part of the vector, which makes sense considering R* considers z as vertical. Here's a picture for those of you who don't understand pitch, yaw, and roll:
Rotation Orders
- 0: ZYX - Rotate around the z-axis, then the y-axis and finally the x-axis.
- 1: YZX - Rotate around the y-axis, then the z-axis and finally the x-axis.
- 2: ZXY - Rotate around the z-axis, then the x-axis and finally the y-axis.
- 3: XZY - Rotate around the x-axis, then the z-axis and finally the y-axis.
- 4: YXZ - Rotate around the y-axis, then the x-axis and finally the z-axis.
- 5: XYZ - Rotate around the x-axis, then the y-axis and finally the z-axis.