// SetTransformToSubmarineUsesAlternateInput
void SET_TRANSFORM_TO_SUBMARINE_USES_ALTERNATE_INPUT(Vehicle vehicle, bool useAlternateInput);
Changes the key used to transform a vehicle into submarine mode. When set to true, the transformation key switches from the default raise/lower convertible roof key (usually 'H') to the special vehicle transformation key (usually 'X').
NativeDB Introduced: v1365
-- This example sets the key for submarine mode transformation to special vehicle transform
-- Retrieve the player ped
local playerPed = PlayerPedId()
-- Retrieve the vehicle in which the player is currently seated
local vehicle = GetVehiclePedIsIn(playerPed, false)
-- Retrieve the vehicle model hash
local vehicleHash = GetEntityModel(vehicle)
-- Check if the vehicle exists in the game world and if it is a Stromberg.
if not DoesEntityExist(vehicle) or not vehicleHash == GetHashKey("stromberg") then
-- If the vehicle does not exist or it's not a stromberg, end the execution of the code here.
-- Set the key for submarine mode transformation to special vehicle transform (X by default)
SetTransformToSubmarineUsesAlternateInput(vehicle, true)