// TaskPlaneMission
void TASK_PLANE_MISSION(Ped pilot, Vehicle aircraft, Vehicle targetVehicle, Ped targetPed, float destinationX, float destinationY, float destinationZ, int missionFlag, float angularDrag, float unk, float targetHeading, float maxZ, float minZ);
EDITED (7/13/2017)
NOTE: If you want air combat, AI::TASK_COMBAT_PED (while your pilot is in an aircraft) also does the same thing as this native.
Ever wish your buddy could shoot down one of your enemies for you? Ever wanted an auto-pilot? Well look no further! This is the native for you! (Ped intelligence may vary)
• pilot = The ped flying the aircraft.
• aircraft = The aircraft the pilot is flying
-- OPTIONAL -- [atleast 1 must be assigned]
• targetVehicle = The vehicle the pilot will target.
• targetPed = The ped the pilot will target.
• destinationX, destinationY, destinationZ = The location the pilot will target.
-- LOGIC --
• missionFlag = The type of mission. pastebin.com/R8x73dbv
• angularDrag = The higher the value, the slower the plane will rotate. Value ranges from 0 - Infinity.
• unk = Set to 0, and you'll be fine.
• targetHeading = The target angle (from world space north) that the pilot will try to acheive before executing an attack/landing.
• maxZ = Maximum Z coordinate height for flying.
• minZ = Minimum Z coordinate height for flying.
Z: 2,700 is the default max height a pilot will be able to fly. Anything greater and he will fly downward until reaching 2,700 again.
Mission Types (incase you don't like links..):
0 = None
1 = Unk
2 = CTaskVehicleRam
3 = CTaskVehicleBlock
4 = CTaskVehicleGoToPlane
5 = CTaskVehicleStop
6 = CTaskVehicleAttack
7 = CTaskVehicleFollow
8 = CTaskVehicleFleeAirborne
9 = CTaskVehicleCircle
10 = CTaskVehicleEscort
15 = CTaskVehicleFollowRecording
16 = CTaskVehiclePoliceBehaviour
17 = CTaskVehicleCrash
Example C#:
Function.Call(Hash.TASK_PLANE_MISSION, pilot, vehicle, 0, Game.Player.Character, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0f, 0f, 0f, 2500.0f, -1500f);
Example C++
AI::TASK_PLANE_MISSION(pilot, vehicle, 0, PLAYER::GET_PLAYER_PED(PLAYER::GET_PLAYER_INDEX()), 0, 0, 0, 6, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2500.0, -1500.0);
NativeDB Added Parameter 14: Any p13