// FindAnimEventPhase
BOOL FIND_ANIM_EVENT_PHASE(char* animDictionary, char* animName, char* p2, Any* p3, Any* p4);
In the script "player_scene_t_bbfight.c4":
"if (ENTITY::FIND_ANIM_EVENT_PHASE(&l_16E, &l_19F[v_4/*16*/], v_9, &v_A, &v_B))"
-- &l_16E (p0) is requested as an anim dictionary earlier in the script.
-- &l_19F[v_4/*16*/] (p1) is used in other natives in the script as the "animation" param.
-- v_9 (p2) is instantiated as "victim_fall"; I'm guessing that's another anim
--v_A and v_B (p3 & p4) are both set as -1.0, but v_A is used immediately after this native for:
Both v_A and v_B are seemingly used to contain both Vector3's and floats, so I can't say what either really is other than that they are both output parameters. p4 looks more like a *Vector3 though
Animations list