// EndTextCommandThefeedPostMessagetextWithCrewTag
int END_TEXT_COMMAND_THEFEED_POST_MESSAGETEXT_WITH_CREW_TAG(char* picTxd, char* picTxn, BOOL flash, int iconType, char* nameStr, char* subtitleStr, float duration, char* crewPackedStr);
List of picNames pastebin.com/XdpJVbHz
flash is a bool for fading in.
1 : Chat Box
2 : Email
3 : Add Friend Request
4 : Nothing
5 : Nothing
6 : Nothing
7 : Right Jumping Arrow
8 : RP Icon
9 : $ Icon
"sender" is the very top header. This can be any old string.
"subject" is the header under the sender.
"duration" is a multiplier, so 1.0 is normal, 2.0 is twice as long (very slow), and 0.5 is half as long.
"clanTag" shows a crew tag in the "sender" header, after the text. You need to use 3 underscores as padding. Maximum length of this field seems to be 7. (e.g. "MK" becomes "___MK", "ACE" becomes "___ACE", etc.)