// EndTextCommandThefeedPostMessagetext
int END_TEXT_COMMAND_THEFEED_POST_MESSAGETEXT(char* textureDict, char* textureName, BOOL flash, int iconType, char* sender, char* subject);
Parameters:- textureDict:
The texture dictionary for the icon.
- textureName:
The texture name for the icon.
- flash:
Flash, doesn't seem to work no matter what.
- iconType:
The icon type, see the list in the description below.
- sender:
The notification title.
- subject:
The notification subtitle.
Sets some extra options for a notification. It adds an image (or icon type) and sets a notification title (sender) and subtitle (subject).
Texture dictionary and texture name parameters are usually the same exact value.
Example result:

Old description with list of possible icons and texture names:
List of picNames: pastebin.com/XdpJVbHz
flash is a bool for fading in.
1 : Chat Box
2 : Email
3 : Add Friend Request
4 : Nothing
5 : Nothing
6 : Nothing
7 : Right Jumping Arrow
8 : RP Icon
9 : $ Icon
"sender" is the very top header. This can be any old string.
"subject" is the header under the sender.