// TaskGoToCoordAnyMeans
void TASK_GO_TO_COORD_ANY_MEANS(Ped ped, float x, float y, float z, float fMoveBlendRatio, Vehicle vehicle, BOOL bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing, int drivingFlags, float fMaxRangeToShootTargets);
Parameters:- ped:
The Ped
- x:
The goto target coordinate.
- y:
The goto target coordinate.
- z:
The goto target coordinate.
- fMoveBlendRatio:
0.0 = still, 1.0 = walk, 2.0 = run, 3.0 = sprint.
- vehicle:
If defined, the pedestrian will only move if said vehicle exists. If you don't want any sort of association, just set it to 0
- bUseLongRangeVehiclePathing:
Setting to true
tells the vehicle to use longrange vehicle pathing.
- drivingFlags:
See eDrivingMode
- fMaxRangeToShootTargets:
Determines the maximum distance at which the Ped
will engage in combat with threatening targets.
Tells a ped to go to a coord by any means.
enum eDrivingMode {
DF_StopForCars = 1,
DF_StopForPeds = 2,
DF_SwerveAroundAllCars = 4,
DF_SteerAroundStationaryCars = 8,
DF_SteerAroundPeds = 16,
DF_SteerAroundObjects = 32,
DF_DontSteerAroundPlayerPed = 64,
DF_StopAtLights = 128,
DF_GoOffRoadWhenAvoiding = 256,
DF_DriveIntoOncomingTraffic = 512,
DF_DriveInReverse = 1024,
// If pathfinding fails, cruise randomly instead of going on a straight line
DF_UseWanderFallbackInsteadOfStraightLine = 2048,
DF_AvoidRestrictedAreas = 4096,
// These only work on MISSION_CRUISE
DF_PreventBackgroundPathfinding = 8192,
DF_AdjustCruiseSpeedBasedOnRoadSpeed = 16384,
DF_UseShortCutLinks = 262144,
DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions = 524288,
// cruise tasks ignore this anyway--only used for goto's
DF_UseSwitchedOffNodes = 2097152,
// if you're going to be primarily driving off road
DF_PreferNavmeshRoute = 4194304,
// Only works for planes using MISSION_GOTO, will cause them to drive along the ground instead of fly
DF_PlaneTaxiMode = 8388608,
DF_ForceStraightLine = 16777216,
DF_UseStringPullingAtJunctions = 33554432,
DF_AvoidHighways = 536870912,
DF_ForceJoinInRoadDirection = 1073741824,
// Standard driving mode. stops for cars, peds, and lights, goes around stationary obstructions
DRIVINGMODE_STOPFORCARS = 786603, // DF_StopForCars|DF_StopForPeds|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_SteerAroundStationaryCars|DF_StopAtLights|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions, // Obey lights too
// Like the above, but doesn't steer around anything in its way - will only wait instead.
DRIVINGMODE_STOPFORCARS_STRICT = 262275, // DF_StopForCars|DF_StopForPeds|DF_StopAtLights|DF_UseShortCutLinks, // Doesn't deviate an inch.
// Default "alerted" driving mode. drives around everything, doesn't obey lights
DRIVINGMODE_AVOIDCARS = 786469, // DF_SwerveAroundAllCars|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions|DF_StopForCars,
// Very erratic driving. difference between this and AvoidCars is that it doesn't use the brakes at ALL to help with steering
DRIVINGMODE_AVOIDCARS_RECKLESS = 786468, // DF_SwerveAroundAllCars|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions,
// Smashes through everything
// Drives normally except for the fact that it ignores lights
DRIVINGMODE_STOPFORCARS_IGNORELIGHTS = 786475, // DF_StopForCars|DF_SteerAroundStationaryCars|DF_StopForPeds|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions
// Try to swerve around everything, but stop for lights if necessary
DRIVINGMODE_AVOIDCARS_OBEYLIGHTS = 786597, // DF_SwerveAroundAllCars|DF_StopAtLights|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions|DF_StopForCars
// Swerve around cars, be careful around peds, and stop for lights
DRIVINGMODE_AVOIDCARS_STOPFORPEDS_OBEYLIGHTS = 786599 // DF_SwerveAroundAllCars|DF_StopAtLights|DF_StopForPeds|DF_SteerAroundObjects|DF_UseShortCutLinks|DF_ChangeLanesAroundObstructions|DF_StopForCars