// SetWarningMessageWithAlert
void _SET_WARNING_MESSAGE_WITH_ALERT(char* labelTitle, char* labelMsg, int p2, int p3, char* labelMsg2, BOOL p5, int p6, int p7, char* p8, char* p9, BOOL background, int errorCode);
Parameters:- labelTitle:
Label of the alert's title.
- labelMsg:
Label of the alert's message.
- p2:
This is an enum, check the description for a list.
- p3:
This is an enum, check the description for a list.
- labelMsg2:
Label of another message line
- p5:
usually 0
- p6:
usually -1
- p7:
usually 0
- p8:
unknown label
- p9:
unknown label
- background:
Set to anything other than 0 or false (even any string) and it will draw a background. Setting it to 0 or false will draw no background.
- errorCode:
Error code, shown at the bottom left if set to value other than 0.
instructionalKey enum list:
Buttons = {
Empty = 0,
Select = 1, -- (RETURN)
Ok = 2, -- (RETURN)
Yes = 4, -- (RETURN)
Back = 8, -- (ESC)
Cancel = 16, -- (ESC)
No = 32, -- (ESC)
RetrySpace = 64, -- (SPACE)
Restart = 128, -- (SPACE)
Skip = 256, -- (SPACE)
Quit = 512, -- (ESC)
Adjust = 1024, -- (ARROWS)
SpaceKey = 2048, -- (SPACE)
Share = 4096, -- (SPACE)
SignIn = 8192, -- (SPACE)
Continue = 16384, -- (RETURN)
AdjustLeftRight = 32768, -- (SCROLL L/R)
AdjustUpDown = 65536, -- (SCROLL U/D)
Overwrite = 131072, -- (SPACE)
SocialClubSignup = 262144, -- (RETURN)
Confirm = 524288, -- (RETURN)
Queue = 1048576, -- (RETURN)
RetryReturn = 2097152, -- (RETURN)
BackEsc = 4194304, -- (ESC)
SocialClub = 8388608, -- (RETURN)
Spectate = 16777216, -- (SPACE)
OkEsc = 33554432, -- (ESC)
CancelTransfer = 67108864, -- (ESC)
LoadingSpinner = 134217728,
NoReturnToGTA = 268435456, -- (ESC)
CancelEsc = 536870912, -- (ESC)
Alt = {
Empty = 0,
No = 1, -- (SPACE)
Host = 2, -- (ESC)
SearchForJob = 4, -- (RETURN)
ReturnKey = 8, -- (TURN)
Freemode = 16, -- (ESC)
Result of the example code: https://i.imgur.com/TvmNF4k.png